Vortex Turbo Mill
Vortex Turbo Mill (VTM)
Working Principle:
The Vortex Turbo Mill (VTM) is a screenless type of pulverizing system and it contains a set of tungsten-made blades and hardened alloy metal-coated toothlike disc plate to enhance the shearing, impaction, and friction during its high-speed rotation which crates massive vortex airflow, in order to downsize materials to fine particle size.
Key Features
*Applicable for dry materials and less oil materials pulverization
*User-friendly design to open cover for cleaning, inspection, and maintenance.
*Massive productivity compared to a typical grinding machine.
*Water jacket equipped and surrounded on its cover and bearing.
*Able to be made of food-grade stainless steel 304 or non-stainless structure.
*Integrated to screw feeder, silo, and majority types of crushing and packaging Machines.